By Patsy_easdon
United Kingdom
I have a for the want of a better word, a trumpet plant, ( I do'nt know the proper name for it) it is now 3 years old and this year was the first time it has flowered. It looks as if it should be re potted into a larger pot and I would like to know what the best time would be to do this
6 Sep, 2011
Could it be campsis radicans the trumpet creeper? its a very vigourous climber.
6 Sep, 2011
Or an "angels trumpet"?? which should be overwintered in a frost free greenhouse,and repotted in late spring when it starts to regrow again.
6 Sep, 2011
Thank you Lisal, you are right it is an angels trumpet.
I will repot next spring
6 Sep, 2011
Could be one of various plants - any chance of a photograph?
6 Sep, 2011