By Brianaddy
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi, I have 3 Crinum Powelli bulbs in my stored in my shed. I have noticed that they have started sprouting roots, should I plant them now?
6 Sep, 2011
I would plant them now if you have frost free greenhouse/conservatory like other crinums which I collect these bulbs do not like being disturbed and will miss a flowering season if disturbed plant them into smallish pots with the neck about a third above the soil. They should be planted in a mixture of one third course sand/perlite/compost as they do not like to there feet wet especially when they are in there dormancy which should be starting any time now do not water when dormant
6 Sep, 2011
I think you need a time machine so you can go back and plant them after the frosts finished where you live.
6 Sep, 2011
Hi Thanks to all of you for you help
I would like to pose an additional question to Steve 1996
THese bulbs flowered in a pot earlier this year, they were then taken up to store There is a hole in the centre with bulbets round it should I split these or just plant the wholebulb in a small pot.
7 Sep, 2011
Separate the bulblets these will grow but it will be 5/6 years before they reach flowering size the hole will properly be where the flower came from have a look at my photos they is a crinum bulbispernum that flowered last year but has not this yet strange I have a crinum macowani that will in the next 2 weeks
7 Sep, 2011
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Only if you have a conservatory or cool but frostfree greenhouse - these are usually planted in spring, outside,but are not frost hardy. They will not do well inside the house either.
6 Sep, 2011