By Newgardiner
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me when and how is best to plant my potted japanses acer (acer palmatum osakazuki) into the ground. It's about 3 years old and I want to transfer it but don't want to kill it in the process. Any advice will be appreciated thanks.
9 Sep, 2011
They like acid soil, too, don't they Bamboo? Do you think it would be a good idea to add some leaf mould or peat to the soil when planting, or some ericacious soil improver? And a bit of plant food, too? Annie
9 Sep, 2011
And in a space where it can spread because they grow to a good size. Mine is now about 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Beautiful tree with , as you already know, stunning red in the autumn
10 Sep, 2011
Not so much like acid as dislike lime or alkaline soil, Anneashby - in the old days, I would have said add peat,but that's so un PC these days. Hopefully Newgardener doesn't have alkaline soil conditions... they grow well here in West London where our soil is neutral.
10 Sep, 2011
It's not difficult - choose a spot which is sheltered, out of winds and part shady, particularly in the middle part of the day when the sun is hottest. Dig the area over and make the planting hole bigger than the rootball in the pot. Turn the plant out of its pot and place in the hole, at the same soil level as it was in the pot, so adjust the depth of the hole if necessary. Now backfill the hole with the soil, tread down lightly round the base, rake back up and water. Continue to keep watered if we have any warm dry spells this year, and during dry spells next year, till its rooted itself out properly.
9 Sep, 2011