By Tmbell
Real Log Slabs and Pea Gravel - My husband cut down a tree trunk and made some log slabs for me to use as part of my patio. The plan is to remove the sod, set the log slabs down and pour pea gravel around the slabs. I looked online for information to see if there was a 'proper' way to lay the log slabs down but couldn't find a thing on it. Do you have any ideas if this is the best way to do it?
10 Sep, 2011
They will also be very slippy Timbell, Be carefull..
10 Sep, 2011
I think they are usually treated with creosote before using them in landscaping to avoid the problems Bamboo brings up.
10 Sep, 2011
They may dry out and split as well being new wood ????
10 Sep, 2011
They'll rot quicker than they'll split Jiffy but will do both.
10 Sep, 2011
</p> <p>
Toadstools? Woodlice? Never heard of them in my neck of the woods; Canada.
Thanks for the responses.
11 Sep, 2011
Toadstools are fungi and whatever you call them you have woodlice (wood bug?) they eat rotting wood.
11 Sep, 2011
for woodlice ..natures rotting wood recycle team.
Honey Fungus it also recycles wood but is happy to eat non rotten wood
11 Sep, 2011
Lord I'd 'forgotten' honey fungus - definitely not something you want!
11 Sep, 2011
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There is a drawback in using freshly cut, untreated timber in this way - it will rot, and rather quickly, with a host of mushrooms, toadstools and general fungii, plus woodlice, all being very busy breaking it down.
If you still want to use it despite the short term life it will have, just bed them on fine soil or sand to get them level.
10 Sep, 2011