By Lesandteresa
United Kingdom
I have some kind of mushrooms growing in my lawn in autumn. What are they and how do I get rid of them ?
11 Sep, 2011
Impossible to say what they are, as there are hundreds of different ones and even with a photo it can be almost impossible to be sure. The mushroom is only the fruiting body and the main plant is a mass of white threads underground and there is nothing you can do about it. Some are edible, some are poisonous and some are simply unpalatable. You will have to accept that they are there and either wait for them to disappear again, which they will, or pick them off as MG says.
11 Sep, 2011
Do you have a photo?
11 Sep, 2011
Even if Les does do you want to try and id? I wouldn't you need clear images of gills etc. Highly unlikely to be edible...
11 Sep, 2011
Wouldn't mind having a go at ID....don't promise to be 100%.
12 Sep, 2011
So long as Les understands these are not edible I guess it doesn't matter
12 Sep, 2011
I wouldn't advise any one to eat fungi they have picked unless they are an expert. Best to grow your own from kits or the greengrocer.
12 Sep, 2011
We collect fungi but only the ones we know and can totally positively i.d. for example chantrelles are an easy one to reognise.
12 Sep, 2011
Even so there is a false chanterelle that might confuse a novice. Smooth parasols are the best ones we've tasted and it only takes one to make soup for two. Oh, and giant puffballs are unmistakable and delicious too. Only you hardly ever see them.
I tried one of these kits Grannyb, and got absolutely nothing from it. I thought I did exactly what the instructions said too.
12 Sep, 2011
...and don't forget to wash your hands if you do handle
them! They may be harmless, but you never know. We have quite a lot of brown toadstools growing on our lawn each Autumn, but I just leave them. The slugs get rid of them for us! Annie
12 Sep, 2011
Just pick them off if you don't like them and put in your wheelie bin. They will only grow for a few weeks in any case.
11 Sep, 2011