By Mollysmum
United Kingdom
Hi, I have a small shrub and have lost it's name. It has very insignificant white flowers hanging down in groups of 2 or 3. It is slow-growing. The photo is of the seed heads which, you can see, hang down. They are with foliage or seed casing, over 1 inch in width. I have not been able to propogate by seed, I have tried often.

12 Sep, 2011
A picture of the shrub even out of flower would be useful, particularly a shot in focus - the ones above are blurry. Otherwise, is it deciduous or evergreen? Height and spread? Fragrant flowers and at what time of year? Description of leaf shape, whether they're toothed, etc.
12 Sep, 2011
Euonymus cornutus var quinquecornutus?
12 Sep, 2011
Previous question
do you have a picture of the shrub in flower?, it might help.
12 Sep, 2011