By Jacksondscar
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me when and how to plant galanthus nivalis Just received bulbs without planting instructions I am going to plant them in pots
13 Sep, 2011
Thanks for your reply Grannyb
Will ordinary multi purpose compost be ok ?
13 Sep, 2011
Jackson galanthus nivalis do much better in the ground than they do in pots... plant them under shrubs and the like so that they do not get full sun.
13 Sep, 2011
I'll say no more MG
13 Sep, 2011
I know
13 Sep, 2011
Next time you want some try to buy (or beg some) immediately after flowering when they still have the leaves - they take much less time to settle down like that. Its called buying "in the green"
13 Sep, 2011
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You can plant now in almost any soil, however they do well in heavier moist soil. Plant in partial shade as the flowers will last longer. They need to be 8-10cm deep and approx 10cm apart.
They may not flower this spring, sometimes new bulbs take awhile to settle into the soil, so plant where they will not be disturbed.
13 Sep, 2011