By Smarty100466
United Kingdom
Hi all, i am growing a grape vine (black hamburg) in my greenhouse with the roots outside, this is its 3rd year so next year i will be hoping for some fruit :-) I have so far tried to train it as a double cordon. The main arms trained left and right to the extremes of my greenhouse, and any vertical growth allowed to ramble up the roof. I'm hoping to train the new cains next year up the roof, but before i give it the final structual prune i was wondering if this training method is appropriate? . i will try to add a photo to help you see the stage my grape is at, i just don't want to prune it wrong and set it back another year. thanks Martin
Further to the above question, here are a couple of pictures of my grapevine.
14 Sep, 2011
I think this site has clear info on training your vine
Remember to only prune in the middle of winter as vines bleed badly if pruned when the sap is in the stems.
You really do have to be cruel to be kind with a grape vine and prune far harder than you think you need to.
14 Sep, 2011
hi. we have grown black and green grapes for the last couple of years outside against a sunny fence. been very lucky as they produce loads of fruit each year and all i do is cut them down to about a foot high in the winter. jo
14 Sep, 2011