Bougainvillea to trade for Verbascum 'Pink Petticoats`
By Peterpep
Barry ... Vale of Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
Verbascum 'Pink Petticoats`
I have 2 small rooted Bougainvillea to trade ..... for Verbascum 'Pink Petticoats`... if anyone is interested in a trade by post .... thx peter

15 Sep, 2011
Hello Bamboo
Iv`e regreted not buying the Verbascum when I came across them ... i thought I will get seed and grow my own ... trouble is I can`t find seed.
If you want to rear these Boug (email) let me have your address and I will post them to you ... they will not survive the winter in my care. ... peter
27 Sep, 2011
They won't survive the winter in my care either, lol! Thanks for the offer though, and if my flat wasn't like an ice box in winter, then I'd have given it a whirl...
27 Sep, 2011
Wrap up and keep warm ... Peter
Ps: .... I think that you provide a great service to us gardening novices ... many thx
27 Sep, 2011
I'll say thanks for that, although I may be wrong in assuming you mean me specifically rather than everyone on here generally, lol! I keep warm - I wear my dressing gown over my clothes and then I'm fine...
27 Sep, 2011
I meant you ... many thx peter
27 Sep, 2011
Previous question
Sorry Peter, looks like no one has what you want to trade - or they don't want a bouganvillea, lol!
26 Sep, 2011