By Thebrickie
United Kingdom
Could anyone identify this plant for me?

15 Sep, 2011
It is one of the vegetable brassicas but not sure which. It looks as if someone has dropped a load of seeds which have grown but not been thinned out so they are very weedy looking.
15 Sep, 2011
My first reaction was broccoli, but its probably a case of wait and see!
15 Sep, 2011
Could be any of the brassicas, including turnips...
15 Sep, 2011
Thanks guys and girls, I was thinking along the same lines, (actually thought spring greens) they were growing in a place I'm renting and I was thinking the last people renting planted them. They were Africans so wondering if they are some sub species of the Brassicas family. Deffinatly no 'head' on any of them so will pull a few to see what lies beneath! Many thanks.
P.S. I'll let you know what I find.....
16 Sep, 2011
If they are turnips you wouldn't need to pull them up to see - just scrape away a little of the soil round the base of the stem,
16 Sep, 2011
A little too much stem for turnips, I'd say. Probably close kin to Broccoli, but that could be any number of things, from rapeseed to rapini to some of the mustards that the Chinese use the new shoots of.
18 Sep, 2011
Well pulled them up because they were in a flower bed, no tubers, just thick woody stems, maybe second year growth?
19 Sep, 2011
Goodbye to the puzzle then - we'll never know what they were!
19 Sep, 2011
Cover crop! Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!
19 Sep, 2011
Fear not my humble detectives, I have some more of the stuff further down the garden! lol Which are new growth so if any heads appear I shall let you all know!
19 Sep, 2011
It is one of the vegetable brassicas but not sure which. It looks as if someone has dropped a load of seeds which have grown but not been thinned out so they are very weedy looking.
15 Sep, 2011