By Albacore43
United Kingdom
Scabious variety or what??
It's the foliage that makes me dubious.
Now sprawling over other shrub, so ignore the spear-shaped leaves.
I have been growing various wildflowers from seed but do not remember this one.
If it were still upright it would probably stand 80 cm or so and be about 40 cm wide.
I have three growing in various parts of the same bed.
All suggestions gratefully received.

15 Sep, 2011
i agree Bulbaholic it does look like it.
15 Sep, 2011
Sure does. And very pretty it is too. I have enjoyed some self set ones this summer - I think they must have come from the birdseed.
15 Sep, 2011
Thank you very much for the answer.
I have looked at some sites showing pictures and it seems spot-on!
Incidentally, they suggest that its sprawling nature is good for suppressing weeds; pity it can't stick to that and leave my other plants some breathing space.
Is it possible that the seeds may have been in the compost that I used quite freely when transplanting my various seedlings?
Thanks again everybody.
15 Sep, 2011
Who knows? But you will probably get some seedlings next year, which you can pull out or keep now you know what they are like.
15 Sep, 2011
This is, as already said, grown as a green manure. Unless you want such I would suggest you remove and compost. We actually sow seed of to dig in as a manure.
15 Sep, 2011
All the same my two plants have been beautiful for months.
16 Sep, 2011
I wouldn't but it is up to the individual...
16 Sep, 2011
Just out if interest MG, what's your objection?
17 Sep, 2011
As Albacore states it is a bit of a thug. Good as green manure but not something I would want in my flower garden. Oh and Albacore it wont have come in your compost if that was bought from a GC.
18 Sep, 2011
Thanks MG - glad that's the only objection.
18 Sep, 2011
This looks like a green manure plant, Phacelia tanacetifolia.
15 Sep, 2011