By Rozmap
United Kingdom
I've noticed a number of wasps, five or six at a time, going in and out my compost bin - help! I turned the compost over a week ago, so if they're nest-building, they've not had much time. How do I get rid of them? It's a square plastic bin, with holes in the sides, and there is a lot of fruit in the bin, apple cores etc.
15 Sep, 2011
They are simply enjoying the fruits you have binned... They'll be dead soon...
15 Sep, 2011
Dont worry they are simply cleaning up after you and enjoying the autumn harvest, if left alone they will die off as it gets colder.
15 Sep, 2011
We have two wasps nests and they are all dying now so it wont be long before yours disappear too. No need to do anything.
15 Sep, 2011
Let the poor things have a last fling !!
16 Sep, 2011
There, we are unanimous - hope this cheers you up - its always nice to be told you don't need to do anything!
16 Sep, 2011
I sympathise totally, my neighbours have a nest under their eaves and every time I cut my grass in the area near it they get really stroppy and start flying at my head! Can't wait for them to hurry up and cop it so I don't have to mow just before dark when they've gone to bed!
16 Sep, 2011
Don't bother with them - they will not live much longer, and will not be nest building at this time of year. They are a little more troublesome around now because the normal food supplement they get from the wasp grubs in the nest is no longer available and they are a bit ratty, looking for a substitute. Just take care when adding stuff to the bin until they disappear.
15 Sep, 2011