By Faye449
United Kingdom
Fruit Tree Jargon?
Hiya, I'm eyeing up a dwarf victoria plum to go in a biiiig pot on my patio but I don't understand the jargon on the label, it says "IT IS GRAFTED TO SEMI DWARF ROOT STOCK AND WILL GROW TO APPROX 10FT IN 10 YEARS"
Grafted? root stock? huh? and 10ft doesn't sound very dwarf-like to me!
16 Sep, 2011
Aha! Thanks for the translation :-)
16 Sep, 2011
If you want to grow it in a pot, ask the garden centre/supplier what the name of the rootstock is - Pixy would be the best for pot culture, but it might be on St. Julien A, and they get slightly larger.
17 Sep, 2011
Good point Bamboo
17 Sep, 2011
Thank you. There are a couple of cherry trees I like the sound of that are grafted onto a colt root stock, does that sound ok? I shall ask about the plum and see what they say.
18 Sep, 2011
I would suggest you look for cherry trees grafted onto Giesla 5 as Colt will get to 4 metres easily whilst Giesla 5 should keep the tree around 3 metres - 10 foot.
18 Sep, 2011
Hi Faye 'grafted' means that the 'scion' (in other words the actual fruit tree) has been grown on a rootstock of something different, in this case it is a rootstock which will keep the complete tree small. 10 foot is actually small for any fruit tree particularly over 10 years. You will be able to prune to keep to the actual height that you want.
16 Sep, 2011