By Mulvern
United Kingdom
we want to plant perennial colourful shrubs as a hedge in our front garden we are on a main road and in the north east of scotland. We thought rhodedendron or pirus for colour but all suggestions would be welcome.
16 Sep, 2011
You need acid soil for both Rhododendrons and Pieris, and they also prefer a degree of shade.
Other flowering shrubs for hedging - Rosa canina or R. rugosa, Escallonia, Cotoneaster lacteus, Viburnum tinus, Hydrangea macrophyllus. All these would be happy in a sunny position.
16 Sep, 2011
Thanks that gives me something to go on.
16 Sep, 2011
Photinia fraserii Red Robin might be a possible.
17 Sep, 2011
Fothergilla Gardenii
17 Sep, 2011
A good choice would be: Lilac (Syringa vulgaris), Mock Orange, Wild Rose Rosa, Winter Honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima), Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii), Tamarisk and Snowball bush. These are all colourful, maintainable into a hedge and have year round interest.
17 Sep, 2011
Hedges will look their best if they are evergreen, try Prunus lusiticana the Portugese laurel, or Osmanthus × burkwoodii. Both very hardy, have flowers and can be clipped into a formal hedge.
18 Sep, 2011
16 Sep, 2011