By Benson
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
my cordilyne died last winter it stood six feet tall after som time i cut it down to a stump then 5 new plants have grown from the base help how do i protect these babs this winter
17 Sep, 2011
Can the plant be moved indoors somewhere - a greenhouse or conservatory for example. I was told that no one in the West Midlands managed to get a Cordyline through the winter last year if it was left outside. Just in case I'm planning to move my new one (which is in a pot) into the conservatory over winter. Our conservatory is almost always cold since we don't tend to use it over winter.
17 Sep, 2011
I used to wrap my cordyline in bubblewrap for Winter and only last year when it was too big to wrap I lost it.
And I'm told the coming Winter is going to be very cold - not that the forecasters are much good- they get it wrong more often than not !
18 Sep, 2011
Bubble wrap isn't good to wrap around the leaves though. A couple of loose layers of fleece, though--the more air trapped between layers, the better, or maybe thatch the plants with straw and string, like they do to protect Sago Palms in Japan.
18 Sep, 2011
thanks for information wife loved that plant
19 Sep, 2011
Previous question
With difficulty, if we have a winter anything like last year's. Can you erect something over the top of them to keep them sheltered which could be removed in milder spells? They will need protection, for sure, and I'm not sure that tying and fleecing will be sufficient.
17 Sep, 2011