By Catlady
United Kingdom
I live in the UK, bought 8 Hebe Autumn Glory plants this summer (if you can call it a summer). Four of the plants turned out to be badly affected with black spot, and I have had to remove a lot of leaves. The other four, from a different nursery, were in better condition although have had black spot to a lesser extent but three of them have been getting targeted by bugs and I have been finding little green and black caterpillars in the new shoots. The leaves have been getting stuck together to form a little nest for the caterpillar. I've removed what I can and have been spraying the plants with neem oil (I can't use chemical pesticides due to having a pet cat) but am a bit worried that the plants might not survive a really bad winter in their weakened state. Is there any action I need to take to protect them when it starts getting colder?
17 Sep, 2011
Previous question
Only by wrapping them in a double layer of fleece, and mulching the root areas. I wouldn't think it would help them to pot them up and put them under shelter if they're already stressed, although that is an option.
The Hebe Society says that 'Autumn Glory' is "quite hardy" in the UK, which means in effect that it isn't completely safe in a severe winter.
Good luck with them.
17 Sep, 2011