By Jollygaljoy
United Kingdom
Hello everyone that took the trouble to help me about who has stolen my grapes .
I am now sure it must be small birds I am going to protect them next year .
this is a wonderful place to belong to it is just like having lots of friendly neighbours helping out thang you again
19 Sep, 2011
It's like 'Facebook' for gardeners! lol
19 Sep, 2011
Its much better than Facebook.
19 Sep, 2011
Yeah Steragram, at least we've got something constructive to say (well most of the time!) :o))
19 Sep, 2011
yes it is like face book lol without the kids swearing and talking about their night out getting drunk.
i started to clear away the garden today its a big job clearing away all the old tomatoes and lettis that gone to seed still have loads of beetroot and carrots to eat and a few runner beans.
i shall post some photos soon like i seen some other members have done i do hope you dont mind a few spelling mistakes cause i do make some at times.
20 Sep, 2011
Yeah Jolly, we like to look at fruit and veg too (boring old so and so's) lol
20 Sep, 2011
So glad it wasn't child burglers after all!
19 Sep, 2011