By Steragram
United Kingdom
My this year's hydrangea cutting is now a foot high and still growing very strongly, so I'm afraid the wood will not have time to ripen before the frosts. Can it be kept growing in a conservatory over the winter or can it be kept in a dark place like a garage once it has lost its leaves? I also have a small plastic wall house but that wouldn't keep much frost off in a hard winter.It is still in a pot. The other alternative is to put its pot inside a bigger one and fill the gap with bubble wrap, which would protect the roots but not the unripened wood. Any suggestions please?
(Funny season - I saw an elderberry in full flower this morning!!)
21 Sep, 2011
Not an answer, but I was in your neck of the woods at a wedding recently and was amazed by the number and size and splendour of the hydrangeas in people's gardens, everywhere. So, I imagine your new cutting will turn into something splendid one day, just like all the others. I am soooo envious.
21 Sep, 2011
We are intending to heat the conservatory because the rest of the house is rather dark and its a good place to sit and read on a nice day. I'll put it in the wallhouse and if it gets desperate it will have to go in the garage, and if you saw our garage you would realise that desperate is the word. There's always the shed but that wouldn't be frost proof if the temp goes down like it did last year.
Ojibway you are right, they are very good round here - but because of the high winds it can be hard to succeed with some other things - its swings and roundabouts really. Were you near Haverfordwest? wish I'd known.
21 Sep, 2011
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I'd be inclined to put it in the plastic wall house, and move it to the conservatory only if the weather becomes severe, and only then if the conservatory is unheated.
21 Sep, 2011