By Begoniamatt
United Kingdom
I have a lemon tree bought from Dobbies about two seasons ago - It has not fruited since and looks pretty poorly. At first it was kept in our conservatory but showed signs of 'frying' in there -now we have it at the top of the stairs - began dropping leaves around a month ago -What can I do to revive it??
23 Sep, 2011
We have had two very poor summers and so far one dreadful winter.
23 Sep, 2011
Thank noted!
23 Sep, 2011
I rechecked with my friend Filomena, whose family grows lemons in Calabria, and I am afraid I was wrong. Sorry! Winter temperatures do not need to be as high as 10-12c, they just need to be kept from freezing: in fact, they prefer it quite cold. If it's warm enough for humans in winter, the lemon tree will probably suffer. Do not let the compost/soil dry out completely, but reduce the watering and never let the pot stand in water. The business about 37c finishing it off is right, though. Get it back outside, during the day, at least until frost is forecast. Any signs of recovery yet?
26 Sep, 2011
Thank you very much for your trouble Gattina! I have move my tree to a lighter spot beside our conservatory glass door inside the house....-Will just have to wait again until next summer (if we get one) haaha!
27 Sep, 2011
Fear not, Begoniamatt, I hear the UK's summer is about to arrive! We have been reading that you're in for a week of lovely sunny weather. It must sound horribly smug, and I really don't mean it to be, but when we hear or read of temperatures "up to 27c - phew what a scorcher!" it makes us Lol. We regularly get up into the low 40's in July and August, and sometimes into the high 40's. Believe me, those are the days when we don't make it out into the garden except to water everything at about 6 in the morning while you can still breathe, and when we long for just a little of your LOVELY British climate. Good luck with the lemon tree.
28 Sep, 2011
Ahh! -but there is British & Scottish!......And I'm NOT being patriotic! -We do virtually have a separate climate up here!!!
29 Sep, 2011
Oh I know, Begoniamatt, I know. We have relatives up there and regularly get reports of the terrible hardships they suffer - haven't heard much of the better bits, though. Joking apart, I'm not Scottish myself, but bits of my OH's family and some ancestors are, so I can't really show bias to either side without getting into hot water!
29 Sep, 2011
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Lemon trees are very fussy, Begoniamatt. They are very temperature sensitive, and if you have had it in a conservatory where the temperature has reached anywhere near 37c, you have probably lost it. They don't take kindly to anything much below 10c, either. They need quite a lot of water in spring, but never let the pot stand in it - i.e. it must drain well. In winter, not too much - keep the temperature down - about 10-12c would be fine - just keep the compost barely damp, and through the warmer months, spraying (especially with tepid rainwater) every now and then is beneficial. I don't know about the UK, but here there are specific citrus liquid feeds. The trees can be quite hungry and do need regular feeding, especially those in pots, starting in spring when it should be springing back into life. They are also quite prone to whitefly (I hope I have translated that right - it certainly looks like whitefly) if kept inside, so keep a lookout for telltale signs. Make sure the pots are big enough, too, the roots like a bit of space, and the main thing is, as much light as possible. Best of luck!
23 Sep, 2011