By Pajo
United Kingdom
as bulbs arent really my thing,i checked the site to get some insight as to what i should do with a non-gardening,clean nailed pals lilliums now they have died back,& the planter is now so useful thank you,that here i am signed up & ready to pick your brains about tulips next! With referrence to the baby lillies that were produced from the main bulb,is it possible to grow on any reproduced tulips in just the same way?... Someone elses pot i delved into early summer! Have kept all the bulbs,big & small to hopefully replant for them soon,but unsure which..please HELP!!
24 Sep, 2011
you can grow them on in gritty soil in pots, but they'll take up to 7 years to reach the size when they can produce a flower.
24 Sep, 2011
many thanks for welcoming me Seaburngirl & for your too Bamboo re the tulips. I`ll patiently go along with it..wether my pals will??
26 Sep, 2011
many thanks for welcoming me Seaburngirl & for your too Bamboo re the tulips. I`ll patiently go along with it..wether my pals will??
26 Sep, 2011
Previous question
« hi first time with grapes do i cut off leader's or just let them grow:
yes any baby bulbil will grow well. However they probably wont flower for 2-3 yrs as they need to get to flowering size. enjoy being on the site. we have lots of friendly people who will happiy help you.
24 Sep, 2011