By Dig1dig2dig3
United Kingdom
When to lime, what likes lime, what do you NOT lime.
I'm a beginner Vegtable grower, very fond of Onions, Garlic, Beans, Peas and Cabbage. I don not have the room for Potatoes.
Many thanks in advance.
28 Sep, 2011
When I had an allotment I used to manure in Autumn and lime in February. Do not lime and manure together.
It is some years since I had an allotment but from memory, I would not lime where I intended to grow potatoes, onions or leeks.
This site may give some good advice:
28 Sep, 2011
As Dawn says, you MUST test your soil first to establish what Ph your soil has.
Add nutrients when you know what you're working with there.
29 Sep, 2011
You might not need lime if your soil is already quite alkaline, with a high PH.
29 Sep, 2011
Previous question
« I have unwanted plants / weeds with bulbs that look like artichokes. Any ideas?
Probably best to firstly test your soil to find out what you have. I bought a good book recently, the RHS Allotment Handbook - packed full of info on veg and fruit.
28 Sep, 2011