By Linsuffolk
United Kingdom
When can I divide my Heuchera, is it still OK to do them now. Thanks.......
28 Sep, 2011
I would say its too hot this week as they like water. If you do it in the autumn there is a risk of heaving (in frost conditions) as they are shallow rooted so mulch well avoiding the crown or it might rot..
28 Sep, 2011
There was a frost here this morning Bamboo Just a little glitter on the grass at 4am. They do heave, but a boot at the right time sorts that....Only if you Know though I forget sometimes.
28 Sep, 2011
I divided mine this April time and got six new plantlets all very healthy, they should be good next year, i hope.
28 Sep, 2011
Hello Granmage. I think I get a little greedy in spring sometimes and decide not to split and divide.
28 Sep, 2011
Why Pimernel? I only divided mine because it was old and had gone leggy, the new plants look lovely now.
29 Sep, 2011
I know I should....In fact I will do some this coming spring starting with the Hosta's and Bergenia.
29 Sep, 2011
Thanks everyone for all your handy tips, but now I am going to to show my ignorance Drc and Pimpernel and ask what you mean when you mention 'heaving' and 'Giving it a Boot'. .....Is that a hard or soft one!!!!!! Hahaha!.Being serious now, this is the first year I have bought Heucheras so am new to them, and its the first time I have heard anyone use these before...Thanks! We can't all be brainy can we?
29 Sep, 2011
Sometimes Heucheras may heave (lift out) out of the ground because of the freezing weather. You can try treading back in but if the ground is frozen this wont work? So add an extra layer of compost around the plant's roots in the autumn and in spring if the plants have heaved at all, the new roots will grow into the fresh new layer of compost.
29 Sep, 2011
Oops! Sorry Dcr...I mistook your face for Bamboo. I am going to have to come to terms with the fact I need glasses and get the eyes checked.
29 Sep, 2011
Shud agone to spec savers LOL
30 Sep, 2011
Thankyou for all your useful info Drc, at least I know what you mean now...very handy to know :>))))
30 Sep, 2011
30 Sep, 2011
I would say yes....Go on.
28 Sep, 2011