By Tatterdangel
United States
Thank you Moon Growe. I will try googling-I'm kind of a computer beginner! Will let you know how I come out!
29 Sep, 2011
okay. Thanks for the help! I hope this is the right spot to reply to you. Please tell me about your garden. Do you grow English roses? I keep trying with them. They really struggle here in the heat and humidity.
30 Sep, 2011
Hi Tatterdangel no a rose in sight Bulbaholic and I are into alpine plants.
1 Oct, 2011
Are those the plants that people use in rock gardens? I'm not real familiar with them-I think they need cooler temperatures than we have here, but I like to learn new things so please tell me what you're growing.
1 Oct, 2011
yes the plants that grow up mountains that folk grow in their rock gardens. Definitely not for your climate. Take a look at Bulbaholics blogs to see some of our photos. In the garden we have gentians, arisaemas, saxifrages, dianthus, cyclamen, meconopsis, species crocus, dwarf narcissus, snowdrops, lilies, fritillaria, paris, irises, clematis, heathers and other ericaceous plants, sempervivums, podophyllum… I'm sure you get the idea. Shrubs are rhododendrons, pieris, daphne, the dwarf Japanese acers and a variety of trees.
1 Oct, 2011
Good luck! By the way when you want to say thank you to someone who has answered your question it is better to do so as an answer yourself. That way anyone who has replied will automatically see it.
29 Sep, 2011