By Al_gorton
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Dear Sirs; I bought a Belief standard a few months ago, (not from you) but on its arrival it was in a sorry state; responding to my complaints the sellers refunded my money and said nothing about the plant. I have since treated it for the various diseases with an all round (blanket) spray that covers a wide range of plant ailments. It seems to be doing ok, but! As beliefs are used in recipes’ would it be safe to do so? Also; its trying to return to its Bush State, as there is much growth coming from its roots! This pleases me as I really wanted a bush, but! Was unable to get one at that time, Could I cut the standard off at the base and continue with the bush form? 2 pictures included, the belief as it was on arrival and as it is now.

3 Oct, 2011
I've just read your whole question and spent most of it wondering what on earth a 'Belief' was, thank heavens you attached a picture. It appears its a Bay, Laurus nobilis. Re whether the leaves are safe to use for culinary purposes, it rather depends what you sprayed it with - if the spray was a systemic one, then don't use the leaves for a couple of months at least. If it was a contact type, then they should be okay.
As for whether you can cut the standard part down and let the roots grow on, you can - but I wouldn't do it now. I note you're in the North, and in a hard winter, Bay is often severely damaged by the cold, so leave it for now and see what it looks like next spring. Best wrap the pot in bubble wrap or similar to insulate the roots and help prevent freezing, and move to a more sheltered spot, perhaps against a wall in a south facing position, or at least in a non windy spot.
3 Oct, 2011