By Allotment73
United Kingdom
Hello Everyone,can anybody tell me what a Prayer plant is and what it looks like ? thanks.
2 Oct, 2011
You can also use your web search engine to find this out and just about anything else under the sun. Type in "prayer plant pictures" click search and more likely than not you will get 30,000 hits on this topic. For further practice, type in any question posted on GOY and see what information you receive. The problem with this method is that you won't get to meet with so many wonderful people who share your interests.
3 Oct, 2011
Green thumb posted a photo of one in 2008 and Funkyfuchsia in 2009, it is also called 'Herringbone plant', you can find the photos on Goypeadia house plants page
3 Oct, 2011
The Prayer plant is a house plant called Maranta. It's leaves fold up at night, which is why it had this name. There are several varieties, all very striking.
2 Oct, 2011