By Ericasuker
United Kingdom
my butternut squash plant produces lots of fruit but they only get to about two inches long then the flower drops off then about two days later the squash drops off.can you tell me why this happens.
3 Oct, 2011
If this has occurred throughout the season then your female flowers are not getting fertilised by the male flowers. Next year either pick one of the male flowers and 'tickle' the females with or use a child's paint brush.
3 Oct, 2011
If you are only talking about this late in the year, then I think it is just too late to expect fruit. Ours (first time we've ever grown any) have produced, and up until very recently still were producing loads of flowers & tiny "false start" fruits, but unless they have lots of water and warmth back in the early days - May, June, they don't seem to come to anything. Nothing that started to develop since mid-July has come to anything. Try again next year!
3 Oct, 2011