Best time to prune properly is midwinter, when the plant is dormant, or between mid November and early February. You have 2 choices - cut out some older stems down to ground level, reduce the length of the remainder by third to a half - or cut the lot to the ground. The second option means you'll lose flowers next year.
If it gets out of hand during the growing season, I usually chop of excessive growth as and when - most often after July, and its fine so long as you don't take too much.
Best time to prune properly is midwinter, when the plant is dormant, or between mid November and early February. You have 2 choices - cut out some older stems down to ground level, reduce the length of the remainder by third to a half - or cut the lot to the ground. The second option means you'll lose flowers next year.
If it gets out of hand during the growing season, I usually chop of excessive growth as and when - most often after July, and its fine so long as you don't take too much.
5 Oct, 2011