Cut and Come again Lettuce
By Crystal
Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
It sounds a lovely idea but what variety of lettuce can you harvest this way?
- 10 Mar, 2009
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vegetables for salads
Thanks for that I'm going out later so I'll trawl the seed stands in the shops.
The chicks will be French Copper Black Marans.
10 Mar, 2009
I did mean to snack on the salad not sack it!!
Lovely birds - I might try incubating some of our eggs, it would be fun for the kids (although they would be mad cross breeds as Ive got a mixed lot)
on the cut and come again side of things you can also eat the tops of young radish seedlings (before they get the little spiny bits under the leaf) which are really tasty and peppery.
10 Mar, 2009
Lollo Rosso is a good lettuce for cut-and-come-again as you don't use the whole lettuce - you just pick the leaves you need. In this region lettuces (most varieties) are cut at just above ground level leaving the root in the ground and leaves start to grow again from the cut edge. Not necessarily good enough to eat, but I'm sure chickens would like them.
10 Mar, 2009
The garden centre seed displays have lettuce 'leaves' that we use as cut & come again. They are identified as being suitable for taking the leavres off.
10 Mar, 2009
Thompson and Morgan do a spicy mix called 'Niche Oriental' and a bit of this is good mixed with ordinary lettuces. I saw C& C again lettuces in a garden and they had gradually taken all the outer leaves so the plant was on a long stalk, it looked really great!
10 Mar, 2009
Brilliant! There are loads to choose from then.
Thank you
10 Mar, 2009
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I bought an Italian salad mix last year and 'bulls blood beet' leaves both were cut and come again - or in my case sit in the garden and sack on each time I passed! There are loads of mixed leaf packs sold for this - but most 'soft headed' leuttice would work this way i think
Love the picture of the chicks - what will they be when they grow up?
10 Mar, 2009