Anybody "genned up" on Greenhouse winter food plants.
By Brainnake
United Kingdom
Why any info in here "food plants" = You can eat 'em.
9 Oct, 2009
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winter vegetables
vegetables for salads
Hi Brian if you mean plants you can grow in greenhouse during winter to eat just do a search on the GoY site and you'll find lots of ideas
9 Oct, 2009
You could try various types of hardy salad leaf such as Mizuna, Land Cress and Corn Salad no doubt there are others too. I find that seed catalogues these days often have a separate section for winter hardy veg
9 Oct, 2009
Grand as owt. Cheers folks.
Yep, it's us I want to feed (Drc726) not the plants.
9 Oct, 2009
Quite relieved Brainnake but it made me laugh
9 Oct, 2009
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Oh dear I dont feed anything over winter just protect them from cold and frosts land a ittle water when needed.
9 Oct, 2009