Tell me more about counting the birds
By Lujean
United States
I have never heard of this I have been watching all the birds and I would like to do this can someone tell me what I need to do? I love wild life in my garden They make you laugh out loud.
11 Mar, 2009
The US count is run by Cornell Univ. Do a web search on bird watch or bird count and you will find it. Sign up and they send you all the paperwork and you can report your findings online or by reg mail. I have done this for years, it is great fun!
11 Mar, 2009
Hi Lujean,
if you are asking about the RSPB big bird watch then it is a thing that goes on in the UK. Every spring the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) a Uk charity asks for the general public to spend one hour watching their garden or an area of park to count how many individual birds and which species of birds they spot. The results are gathered and reported back to help give an idea of which native species are thriving and which may be declining and note any changes in the patterns of distributions of common species. Its great fun and my children love spotting different brids - although I have problems differentiating between individual birds of the same species!
My father however keeps a list stuck on his kitchen wall of all the wildlife species he spots in his garden - t is amazing how many birds, bugs and animals there are to spot if you only look.
11 Mar, 2009