By Dave9i46
United Kingdom
im thinking of a wormery to help my soil what do you think ;-()
7 Oct, 2011
I think your on the wind up Dave.
But anyway, for worms to do well like plants their environment has to be right(you know this by now), by environment I mean their bedding and what you feed them. The bedding needs to be moist at all times but not wet, it should never be allowed to get too acidic. They will deal with food scraps, veg, flower based, meat and fish and waste uncooked veg, no problem, but don't overwhelm them, it takes time for the population to build up, as it does they are able to deal with more and more waste every day.
A mistake is to just bury them in a load of waste that they cant deal with and keep adding more like making a compost heap, it either turns into anaerobic or it heats up like a garden compost heap, both things will kill the worms.
Veg scraps should be cut small, so should things like lumps of bread, it is easier for the worms to deal with small bits of waste than big lumps, best mixing veg with food waste before adding as small piles to one side of the bedding. Wait until you can see them working on it before adding more, add new piles in a new place.
Things to be careful with, coffee grounds, they are acidic, its best to blend coffee grounds with a little dolomite dust or calcified seaweed.
Things to aviod, avocado pips and skin, potato peel if uncooked [it tends to grow] citrus peel is not good either.
Like growing plants you need to watch and learn from how the worms are doing, a little dolomite lime or calcified seaweed dusted over the new food piles from time to time will keep the environment sweet and neutralise organic acid build up produced by the waste break down, always keep the liquid produced drained regularly...
In light of the past 3 questions on adding worms to your soil, i'm not sure how you think a wormery will improve your soil when the mounting advise you've already recieved, is to ammend your soil by way of incorporating organic matter and allowing nature to do the rest.
7 Oct, 2011
A wormery is a box or stack of boxes that you keep by the back door, putting food waste in it for the worms to deal with. There are some examples here -
They produce a liquid (leachate) that must be diluted before feeding your plants with it. Eventually, the worms produce compost from the waste that is good for your plants and the condition of your soil.
Having a wormery is a good idea if you haven't got the space for a composter that can deal with some of the food waste (veg & fruit peels for example). There are food remains that it's not a good idea to put in a normal composter (meat/ fish remains, cooked food leftovers like pizza crusts) as they will attract rats. These can go in a wormery as the worms will be able to deal with them hygenically and keeping vermin out.
A wormery isn't a quick way of getting a whole lot of worms into your garden soil, but it can help to turn some of your family's waste into soil conditioner and plant food.
I think you'll still need to add a whole lot of organic material to your soil to get the worms you want to live in your garden
7 Oct, 2011
good info cheers
8 Oct, 2011
What worms do is break up the organic matter and aerate the soil. If your soil is poor and you have not added any organic matter to it any worms you add will either starve or go elsewhere. Look back to Bamboo's advice. If you take no notice you are wasting your time and money trying to take shortcuts.
Repeating your question in different forms will not change the answer!
9 Oct, 2011
Yes, create a wormery and place them on the ground, but only after you improve it by digging it over and adding some mulch and sand. I then compost and mulch on top of the soil then some worms, then you do not need to dig it in as the worms do all that. Lot less work than it sounds.
7 Oct, 2011