The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

I bought a plant in the early summer which has the name Black eyed Susan but can't for the life of me remember it's botanical name although I do know it somewhere in my muddled brain. Please can some body tell me if it is ok to leave it out in the garden or do I need to dig it up and bring it into shelter for the winter? Thank you.



Thunbergia? There are several of these, some annual and some perennial, none of them fully hardy.

8 Oct, 2011


Thanks I will bring it in to the warm just to be on the safe side.

8 Oct, 2011


Thunbergia alata is Black-Eyed Susan Vine, a tender, tropical vine.
Rudbeckia hirta is often called Black-Eyed Susan, and sometimes Gloriosa Daisy. It is a half-hardy, short-lived perennial daisy.
Rudbeckia fulgida is also called Black-Eyed Susan, and is a hardier, longer-lived species.

11 Oct, 2011

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