By Grannysue
North Lincolnshire,
United Kingdom
I bought a plant in the early summer which has the name Black eyed Susan but can't for the life of me remember it's botanical name although I do know it somewhere in my muddled brain. Please can some body tell me if it is ok to leave it out in the garden or do I need to dig it up and bring it into shelter for the winter? Thank you.
8 Oct, 2011
Thanks I will bring it in to the warm just to be on the safe side.
8 Oct, 2011
Thunbergia alata is Black-Eyed Susan Vine, a tender, tropical vine.
Rudbeckia hirta is often called Black-Eyed Susan, and sometimes Gloriosa Daisy. It is a half-hardy, short-lived perennial daisy.
Rudbeckia fulgida is also called Black-Eyed Susan, and is a hardier, longer-lived species.
11 Oct, 2011
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Thunbergia? There are several of these, some annual and some perennial, none of them fully hardy.
8 Oct, 2011