Planting bamboo
By Gracieboo76
I recieved some bamboo as a gift (unknown species) and it has been in water for 2 years! I thought it would die after a few weeks, I was mistaken. I want to know if I can plant it in the garden, but I don't want to kill it, since it's put up such a good fight.
6 Apr, 2008
yes i agree with Wyeboy - do you have a picture? also some bamboo do actually grow in water! if you have Thai or Lucky bamboo they are classed as long lasting cut flowers/house plants that grow in water. i have had mine for about 3 years now in a clear vase of water - i very rarely change the water as they do airate the water themselves i just top it up and leave them well alone. if its Thai bamboo that you have then they are usaully curly on top, lucky bamboo is usually straight, and often shorter and comes in little bunches - both types have really interesting orange roots, you can also get a varigated variety of bamboo that grows in water but i can't remeber the name - they look great in a clear vase - but wont do well if you try to pot them up into soil!
6 Apr, 2008
It is important to know which bamboo you have .Some of them are VERY invasive and are difficult to keep within bounds, but if you have the space they are extremely good shelter belts or for privacy and very easy to take.
6 Apr, 2008