Are Dierama difficult to grow?
By Andrea
United Kingdom
I have heard that this can be difficult to grow, I recently bought one to plant at the side of my pond-would welcome any tips on how to get it esteblished. With the right tlc will I get flowers this year do you think?
On plant
6 Apr, 2008
Hello Andrea,
By now I hope you have a fantastic well established Dierama which is flowering well.
I grow Dieramas in Lincolnshire and they are not as tricky to grow as you might think. It will take a few years to flower so don’t give up on it.
Dieramas are native to moist, airy grasslands and generally prefer a sunny position, with plenty of moisture in the summer and good drainage in the winter. They are native to South Africa and the Drakensberg mountains and they are generally hardy to around -10C, providing that they don't become too wet in the winter.
They look beautiful at the edge of a pond but be careful that the ground is not too boggy in the winter as the corms will rot. Try to make sure they are in a moist but well drained soil.(I don’t know any gardener lucky enough to have this type of soil, LOL ) One way around it is to add plenty of grit or sand if you have heavy soil and plenty of organic matter to light soil to bulk it up and aid moisture retention. They tend to grow in fairly peaty soil in the wild.They don't need a rich soil as grassland tends to be a little poor in nutrients but you can feed now and again if you think it needs it.
I wouldn't recommend cutting the foliage back if it becomes brown just pull out the dead leaves in the spring. I've probably given you far too much information and the only thing you really need to do is make sure it’s not in wet ground in the winter and be patient because the flowers are stunning and well worth the wait. Best of Luck
9 Apr, 2010
Dieramas hate disturbance and will probably take a few years to settle down before flowering. I had one that flowered for the first time last year that I had forgotten I'd planted because it took so long to feel at home. Now prove me wrong!
6 Apr, 2008