United Kingdom
do lily's grow each year, i bought mine as plants and i have just taken them out of the pots and they are bulbs
15 Oct, 2011
I always remove mine from the ground spray anti fungal solution on them to kill any bugs and repot in dry grit and store in my shed in a dark spot.
I then pull them out very early spring and repot in a multipurpose compost and leave in the greenhouse or a bright spot and water sparingly in the spring until i see a form of life appear then water more frequently (weekly). Then repot untill they reach about 1-2ft tall and then they are ready to plant into the ground after all frost have cleared.
Never left mine in the ground yet but i may leave 1 or 2 this year in the ground to try this method. Could save me a lot of work i suppose!
15 Oct, 2011
i've had mine in the ground the past 6 years and they seem fine, But as Derek say's put grit under them for drainage they don't like damp feet..
15 Oct, 2011
We never lift our lilies from the ground and they do fine.
15 Oct, 2011
I don't lift lilies either. I find that I do need to scatter some organic slug pellets in spring to kill slugs and snails that like the foliage as it emerges. And keep a look out for red lily beetles - but that applies whether you leave them or lift them.
15 Oct, 2011
Lily beetles depend on where Carole is in the UK - we do not have... thankfully!
15 Oct, 2011
Yes lilies are perennials, you can either plant them in the ground now, about 4-5" deep, or you can store them, and replant in the spring, either in the ground or in pots,
if you plant them in the ground, put a thin layer of horticultural grit in the bottom of the planting hole to help drainage.
15 Oct, 2011