Hello all I have just purchased a dwarf stock apple and pear tree
By Phloxie
United Kingdom
Hello all
I have just purchased a bare root dwarf stock apple tree and also a pear tree which I intend to put in containers on my patio. I think that they must be at least a year or so old as they both have 5-7 branches.
I understand that you should prune these trees in winter but I am not sure whether I should start the 1st pruning process this winter or start it next winter 2012.
Please can anyone advise me.
Many thanks ~ stardust
16 Oct, 2011
Many thanks for all that info Jimmytheone. I will have to find a spot somewhere in the garden as you suggested.
18 Oct, 2011
I am sorry to say that even the patio varieties of fruit trees (those on very dwarfing rootstock) are rarely sucessful when grown in containers. If you can find a spot in the garden to plant them, you will be better off. Even if you can find a large container, you will have to water them without fail, for if they become under stress, the first thing they will do is to drop their fruit and then their leaves. They will also build up a substantial root system which will end up displacing the compost in the container and its ability to hold moisture and nutrients. Gardening adverts often show containers with fruit trees laden with fruit, I believe this is rarely the case. As regards pruning I would tip prune lightly, only if they are particularly spindly.
17 Oct, 2011