Was it a scorpion?
United Kingdom
This afternoon I was listening to GQT . There was an item on keeping parts of the garden as a habitat for insects and other creatures. A few minutes later while sweeping up leaves from my terrace to put on a different part of the garden for that purpose I came across a black insect about three quarters on an inch long which looked like a small scorpion. It had the erect curled tail and there were tiny white spots on the tip of the tail. I put it amongst the leaves. Unfortunately I didn't manage to photograph it. What was it? I live in Marlborough Wilts, just downthe road from Avebury whrer the programme was taking place. It was shiny black.
Susannah McKim.
16 Oct, 2011
They have been seen in Wiltshire Susannah read this..
17 Oct, 2011
theres also a whip scorpion which is harmless as the sting is replaced bye a long thin tale plus peoples pets escape . a good friend of mine had about a 6` iguana and lived in a sleepy little village . anyway he lost it oneday . he found it later when an elderly lady was out the front screaming at this dinosaur basking on the hot black tarmac lol .
17 Oct, 2011
17 Oct, 2011
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Maybe, I heard years ago that there are scorpions that live in Portsmouth harbour wall.
But I think it's more likely to be a devils coach horse beetle. Google it for images to compare, or follow the link
16 Oct, 2011