United Kingdom
Does anyone cut down their hydrangeas, or do you leave them. I may probably just cut off the dead heads. Any idea?
17 Oct, 2011
I have to disagree with MG on this one. Leave the deadheads on as they give some protection to the new buds. What I do agree with her on is not to cut them back, especially at this time of year.
17 Oct, 2011
Leave them severely alone, otherwise we'll all be answering your question next year "Why didn't my hydrangeas flower this year?"
17 Oct, 2011
Yes, just leave them to get through winter as they are. Once all fear of frost is over in spring, you can see what's what and prune back this year's flowered stems then.
17 Oct, 2011
Unless, that is, your hydrangea is the variety paniculata, which can be cut down at this time of year and will still flower next year.
17 Oct, 2011
Bamboo - I've had a few hydrangeas for a few years which have never flowered, never cut them back - I put it down to them being severely frosted each winter and in fact have been lucky to survive at all, dont know the variety as cuttings from my Mum. From what you've said about Paniculata - do you think this would be a better variety for someone like me living in a frost pocket.
17 Oct, 2011
Certainly worth a try, dawnsaunt, but bear in mind their flower form is somewhat different. I prefer them myself.
17 Oct, 2011
Thanks Bamboo, I'll take a look at them to see if I can find a nice variety.
17 Oct, 2011
Don't cut them back, deadhead if you must but be very careful or you could damage next years buds.
17 Oct, 2011