By Anindi
United Kingdom
I've a Strelitzia I grew from seed planted 7yrs ago & this morning I was greeted with the first flower and another spike so I'm ecstatic but my leaves keep going brown and curling so does anyone know what causes this please and what to do about it? I just read about Tomrite and weak Epsom salts & am ashamed to say I've not fed my plant at all. Sorry can't show a pic as got new camera but no software to download to pc.
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks for that, much appreciated, don't give up on your plant as it took seven years from seed to get this first flower.
18 Oct, 2011
I know - mine was a baby plant, and I expected to wait at least 4 years, so fingers crossed for next year.
18 Oct, 2011
This one likes lots of bright light, but not hot sun, specially in the middle of the day. If the browning is crispy and dry, dry air or shortage of water can cause that, although they shouldn't be overly wet. Usual method is to wait for the surface of the compost to be dry to the touch (but not shrunken from the sides of the pot) and give a thorough soak, usually works out about once a week, less in winter when its not flowering, and then empty any excess water out from any outer pot or tray after 30 minutes. Mist occasionally too to increase humidity, keep away from heat sources like radiators, etc. As for the feeding, buy yourself a bottle of Baby Bio and add that to the water at the recommended rate when you water the plant. Decrease feeding once the flowering is over during winter to once every 3 weeks or so, but weekly the rest of the time.
Lucky you, having flowers - my plant's now going into its fourth year, but no sign of flowers yet. Hopefully next year...
18 Oct, 2011