By Argentaangel
United Kingdom
Hi, I have a Jasminum polyanthum growing in a pot on my patio - I live in central London and all my plants are in pots. What do I need to do for this plant now that winter is here? Last year I covered my hydranga with bubble wrap and dead leaves and it seems fine - still flowering but I want to take care of both the hydranga and the Jasminum properly - what should I do and how often should I water them. I am also trying to grow holly in pots!
Thanks for your help
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks very much for that advice - should I take it indoors? What is horticultural fleece? I live in the NW but think the patio faces West.
Thanks once again
18 Oct, 2011
Horticultural fleece is a soft, fleece like covering, available on line or from garden centres, specifically for plant protection. Comes in various thicknesses.
I forgot to deal with your query re watering - check the pots occasionally during winter, but usually, watering is not necessary from November through to early February - if February is warm, bright and sunny, you may need to water then, if not, March. Unless your pots are entirely out of the rain, when you'd need to check more often.
If you want to move your jasmine indoors if we have some really bad weather, you can, but only if you have an unheated but frost free room available - moving it in and out of heat isn't a good idea.
18 Oct, 2011
Once again thank you for your advice which is very helpful
18 Oct, 2011
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As I expect you know, Jasmine polyanthum isn't entirely hardy. Fortunately, living in central London gives it the best chance of survival in this country, unless its in a very open and exposed position facing north or east.
Try bubble wrapping the pot and placing horticultural fleece over the top growth, anchoring it down in some way, if we have severe weather this year.
18 Oct, 2011