do you suffer from vandalism?
By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
We have had a spate of mindless vandalism this week, from snapped silver birch trees to the cutting off of daffodil heads. why do they do this and they are such cowards it is always done at night. In the past I have had to plant less interesting plants next to the front wall as people nick the flowers. it makes me so cross. :o{
17 Mar, 2009
Sorry to hear about the vandalism, Seaburn. It seems to be so common everywhere but, fortunately, not so much in our small village. It is quite common to see new tree plantings on common ground in towns just snapped off - I don't know why.
17 Mar, 2009
Sadly no concrete proof. There are about 5 lads of mid teenage years that hang around near one of the farms. They can be a little anti social and daft so they are the prime suspects. But equally there are plenty of young men who could do it coming back from the pub. A few years back they 'borrowed' my daughters space hopper from the front garden to get home. An outraged mum made him knock on doors until they found us. As my hubby answered the door [built a bit like a brick outhouse] the lad nearly burst into tears. The hangover didn't help.
He still colours up when we pass in the village. :o)
17 Mar, 2009
They do it because they have a brain the size of a peanut and have nothing better to do.Someone pulled the heads of my pansys last year. I would like to catch them and pull their heads off
17 Mar, 2009
Sorry to hear about that. Although similar things have happened around here it's more often stealing rather than vandalism, probably to sell at boot sales (for example a whole box hedge being dug up, expensive young palms etc). But I did find a box ball deposited outside my front door one day, left by a neighbour who saw some young idiot throw it at another idiot's head. I planted the box out the back and replanted with berberis. Funnily enough it didn't happen again. :)
17 Mar, 2009
Oh I'm so sorry to hear this Seaburngirl. Some people are so stupid. They are just brainless, ignorant twits who have no respect for anyone or anything and have nothing better to do with their time. Gggggrrrrr. I'd like to get my hands on people like them. They need a good hiding as my Dad would say.
We have nothing in the front yard except lawn. I hate it but I know if I do anything to improve it, it will get wrecked.
18 Mar, 2009
So sorry to hear that Seaburngirl, it's heartbreaking to a gardener to see their efforts and their plants treated in that way. Why not plant a hedge of berberis or pyracantha by your front wall? If the sad mindless vandals still persist at least you'll be able to identify them by the deep scratches on their arms!
18 Mar, 2009
thanks for the words of comfort, the silver birch were in a plot on the corner of the street, we as a village are trying to improve the floral appeal. i am hoping the birch will think 'we've been coppiced' and grow as a multi stem. hope springs eternal as they say. [ dare i say bring back the birch?]
my own garden suffers from the odd flower raid but more from the lads playing footie in the street, the park is less than 1/4 mile away too. Funny their parents send them down the street so they are not disturbed. odd folks some parents!
18 Mar, 2009
I always think that's exactly the problem Sbg! I used to work as a school secretary and have worked through the age range of schools. In the Comprehensive the Headmaster used to say about behaviour "By the time they get here it's too late!" The Headmistress in the Junior school used to say "By the time they get here it's too late." The Headmistress in the Infant school used to say "By the time they get here it's too late." So - the buck stops with the parents! If they were hit in their pockets by the authorities to cover the damage their kids do peace would soon reign. Hope things change for you and your village Sbg.
19 Mar, 2009
The headmistresses were spot on Nariz. It is the fault of the parents. The kids are not taught respect for themselves or respect for others. It is the same over here too. Some parents are just too lazy and concerned about themselves to bring up their kids properly. It has certainly turned into a "ME" society.
20 Mar, 2009
I'm so sorry to hear that, Sbg, it must be so frustrating. Any idea who the vandals are???
17 Mar, 2009