By Ginellie
United Kingdom
My Weigela, given to me three years ago when it was about 2' high, is now over 7'. I know I should cut it back after flowering but the birds love it. Will it grow much more?
23 Oct, 2011
You will get more flowers and less woody growth if you do prune it. I prune all mine heavily after flowering and by the on set of Autumn its back to where it was with a lot of new growth. I also give it a good and mulch when I prune them.
24 Oct, 2011
If you don't want to prune it all hard back, take out a third of the oldest stems each year. This will keep the bush young as each stem will only be up to 3 years old.
24 Oct, 2011
Thanks for great advice as always. I now realise it is completely the wrong place but too big to move so I shall try some cuttings.
24 Oct, 2011
I take Weigela cuttings during the summer Ginellie. I choose new non flowering shoots they take very quickly.
25 Oct, 2011
Ah, thanks Drc, I've tried cuttings in the autumn and none took. Obviously the wrong time, I shall try again in the summer. I have to say I don't have much success with any cuttings, especially geraniums which everyone says are so easy.
25 Oct, 2011
I agree with you, my Pelargoniums cuttings either just go brown and die or they get Mildew and rot.
26 Oct, 2011
Exactly the same here Drc. Ah well, we can't do everything perfectly - and I must say I've had a few fuchsia cuttings that have taken so they must be even easier than the geraniums.
26 Oct, 2011
Ultimate height is between 7 and 8 feet, or is supposed to be - I pruned a very mature one a few years ago which was over 10 feet though.
23 Oct, 2011