By Cherie57
Dorset, United Kingdom
Can anyone please tell me how you germinate peony tree seeds? Thank you
- 24 Oct, 2011
Thank you very much
24 Oct, 2011
The yellow one P. lutea comes quite easily from seed. It will grow a couple of leaves in its first year and then sit like that til the next year then it grows a lot more.
24 Oct, 2011
Slowley, Cherie, slowly. They are big seeds so I use a one or two litre, deep, rose pot. Fill to within about an inch from the top with seed compost, place your seeds on this then complete the filling with compost. Label the pot and stand it out of the way somewhere outdoors, in the shade. Then patience; they might sprout next year or it might be the year after and then they take several more years to grow into a full size tree peony.
24 Oct, 2011