By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hydrangea petiolaris problem?
I have two of these climbers in the garden. Each year at this time, the leaves usually turn yellow but stay on the plant, almost completely.
This year I have one plant which suddenly developed very mottled-looking leaves before dropping them quite rapidly. I'm trying to upload photos to demonstrate this but had no luck this afternoon.
The second plant is performing as normal. The leaves are yellowing but remain intact on the plant.
Any ideas anyone? I will try to upload photos again! If it works, first two photos are problematical plant...3rd one is healthy one!
Thank you!

24 Oct, 2011
It could well be, SBG. The overhanging trees have become a real problem and cut out a lot of light. That, coupled with the drought conditions this summer, have probably caused the droppage. We have had a tree surgeon out to see about getting all the very tall oaks cut back. I've lost a tree peony and two other peonies for the same reason, I fear!
24 Oct, 2011
Do you think it will survive SBG, if I give it lots of water?
24 Oct, 2011
If it's lost all the leaves it won't need masses of water Izzy, there's no point in pouring it on now. It's dormant for winter.
I'd just let it come into growth next spring - if we have drought conditions in spring or summer, that's the time to water if necessary.
25 Oct, 2011
Yes, Beattie...I should have qualified that...lots of water when it comes into growth again! By then, the trees will have been cut back severely and light greatly increased. A Spring feed too wouldn't go amiss! I never fed it this year.
Thank you both!
25 Oct, 2011
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« Anyone else having problems uploading questions with photos attached? I've...
mine did this a couple of lears ago and i decided it was becasue it had got very dry in the shadow of the house. More dry than usual. could thios be the case here?
24 Oct, 2011