By Sharon1953
United Kingdom
I live in West Sussex and purchased a lemon tree earlier this year it is now October and I have just returned from holiday to find that it has about 20 lemon flowers and buds on it!!!!!!. Should I bring it indoors should I just cut it back ready for next year, I am so puzzled that it has flowered this late in the year.
24 Oct, 2011
Thank you. Was quite puzzled not sure what make will were if still have paper work later. Sharon
25 Oct, 2011
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Hi Sharon, different types of lemon fruit at differnt times of the year, some fruit once or twice a year, and some will produce four crops a year of various sizes of fruit giving an almost continuos supply of lemons. Do you know what kind you have?
I had a lemon tree some years back that had lovely scented flowers, green immature lemons in various stages of growth, all the way up to fully ripe fruit all on the same tree. It was a novelty to be able to pick a lemon from the tree at Christmas time to have with a gin and tonic. Alas, I lost it a couple of years ago when I left in outside over winter thinking it might survive.
You need to bring the plant indoors over winter, it won't survive outside. A conservatory is ideal, failing that, a bright south-facing window would probably be ok. Mist the leaves every few days and trim it into a nice shape when you put it out next spring.
24 Oct, 2011