what are the best plants for a 10 in hanging basket
By Loribiscuit
New brunswick, Canada
I need a list of ones for sun or shade
- 18 Mar, 2009
In shade, not many basket plants are happy. Busy Lizzies are, with some green trailing plants like Dichondra, Helichrysum, Nepeta, Lysimachia or variegated ivies. Fuchsias don't mind some shade, either.
In sun, there's an amazing variety available! Trailing Geraniums, bacopa, Scaevola, trailing pansies, Diascia, Nasturiums,Begonias, Bidens,Anagallis, Brachycome, trailing sweet peas, even trailing tomatoes... take a look in your local GC - they have a range of plug plants at the moment and they even sell packs of colour-co-ordinated plants to save you time, if that's short.
Have fun choosing!
18 Mar, 2009
Jersey direct free postage an dplant connection free postage for plug plants
18 Mar, 2009
Previous question
Fuchsias ,surfinas,petuinas, verbena ,buzi lissie, or a sald basket .Clematis nice in a basket
Or make a ball with your 10 baskets and grow livingstone daise in them .
18 Mar, 2009