By Rachelsmum
I have some attractive pelargoniums in tubs and wondered if anyone can advise how to keep them through the winter. My mother-in-law used to roll them up under her bed in newspaper, but I wondered if there are any other suggestions!
25 Oct, 2011
I pot a few up into 1 litre pots and keep them on my windowsill where they flower all winter. I hard prune them in April and when they've put on a few new leaves plant them out again in late May.
They also take very easily from cuttings . I find august is a good time but they will take later. I plant them 8-10 to a r inch diameter pot and over winter them in an unheated bedroom and pot them up seperately in late spring.
25 Oct, 2011
Thanks both; some good ideas there! I will try a few different methods.
Rachels mum (aka Jane)
26 Oct, 2011
If you are rolling them up in newspaper do you leave the leaves on or what?
I repot my fuchsias into smaller pots, cut them down, and leave them in a dark frost-free place. Can I do the same with the pelargoniums?
I should add that I can't keep them growing on indoors as I am in a different country from the pelargoniums in the winter. Last year I took them to England with me and kept them growing and them took cuttings which I brought back with the good plants but that is too cumbersome and space-consuming in the car so I need other ideas this year.
26 Oct, 2011
I cut the leaves back and am then left with the stems and roots. I have stored them in our shed sometimes but the last two winters have been too cold for that. Previously they would often have started sprouting again when I unpacked them. I think you could treat them the same as fuchsias - the problem is pelargoniums are prone to go mouldy, so they need to be kept dry.
Good luck!
26 Oct, 2011
Just to say I managed to keep two lovely white ones on windowsills, the rest emerged from the divan in early spring and I have grown good plants from the shoots.
I might try some cuttings in August too
9 Jul, 2012
Hello Rachelsmum well think this would work same way as my geraniums.
I have rolled in newspaper and put them in a box up in the loft.
Rest taken indoors I downsized in to smaller pots with fresh compost and have put them on my conservatory window sill.
And 2 buried along with fuchsias in a deep trench in the garden .
Good luck.
25 Oct, 2011