By Poppycat9
United Kingdom
I have just had my front garden landscaped and have two rounded beds, could you please give me some advise as to what to plant , or whether to leave until next spring, I have planted loads of bulbs?
28 Oct, 2011
Lets see a photo PC I have a raised bed when we got our front garden landscaped .
I have a dwarf acer in centre and spring bulbs in Autumn violas and gentian and hardy cyclamen
Many we all can suggest after seeing a photo.
29 Oct, 2011
My suggestion would be to keep planting low if it's just a small garden in the front of the house. A selection of bushes & trees would grow too tall unless you kept chopping them and would block light to windows unless your garden is much larger than usual in this country.
Low growing shrubs like Lavender or Convolvulus cneorum would be easy, and japanese azaleas if you have acid soil.
29 Oct, 2011
If you are like me you will dig away to put new plants in and dig up the already planted bulbs, unless you remember where they are, in which case wait until next Spring.
29 Oct, 2011
You can wait till spring if you like, but now is the best time for planting hardy shrubs and perennials, unless you're in the far north, where the soil will already be cooling rapidly. If you plant in spring, you will need to be rigorous about watering regularly throughout spring and summer.
Not possible to make recommendations without the info already requested above - which way does it face, open aspect, how large are the beds, sun or shade?
29 Oct, 2011
As you've planted bulbs, it might be wise to plant winter bedding for this year. Then you could plan to plant perennials and/or shrubs in the spring when you'll be able to see where the bulbs are.
To be able to suggest what to plant then, we'd need to know the aspect - is it sunny or shady - and also what type of soil you have, acid or alkaline. What colours do you like, and how big are the beds are other factors.
28 Oct, 2011