By Hank
United Kingdom
Plant wanted.
Outside my kitchen window is my carport. I want to set a plant there in a large container that will grow up the house wall and trail 6ft along the the 4 horizontal roof supports.
There is no roof cover at this point so I guess it needs to be a bit hardy if possible. If it helps - the window is South
facing. I haven't a clue.
30 Oct, 2011
Try a Clematis. Montana Rubens is probably one of the fastest growing clematis. It has pale pink flowers that will bloom in the spring. It's a strong grower and it should quickly cover your wall. It will flower from May through 'till September.
You could try one of the other Clematis, there are many, and an internet search will come up with many colours and shapes.
Another climber that you may want to consider is Campsis tagliabuana (Trumpet Flower/Trumpet Vine). Lovely orange trumpet-like flowers that will stay on well into the late Autumn.
30 Oct, 2011
yesterday I tried to give you more details. If they didn't arrive I'll try again. Let me know. Thanks
31 Oct, 2011
Um, no haven't received anything, Hank - did you try by PM?
31 Oct, 2011
1. The plant will not be covered by the carport roof, I have a 4ft gap between my garage door and the carport roof.
2. yes, it does get cold. It killed my 15ft cordyline !
3. I have some very large pots as you suggest.
4. I can grow one plant outside my window and another opposite, the other side of my garage door if this will help.
5. I just need them to grow 7ft high and 4 ft horizontally.
I hope this helps. .I went to the garden centre yesterday looking at Clematis plants. Lots of different ones !
1 Nov, 2011
7 feet x 4 feet should be doable - lots of Clematis fit that bill. In shadier parts, I'd suggest Clematis Hagley Hybrid or Nelly Moser - if in full sun, William Kennet, The President, or if you want a later flowering one, starting in June and going on to October, Etoile Violette, Rouge Cardinal or Comtesse de Bouchaud. If you don't want two clematis, check out Akebia quinata, makes a nice change from the usual honeysuckle/clematis choices. Passiflora's worth considering - if you like them. I also suggest you wait and plant in spring - from a couple of the winter forecasts I've seen, we're in for a humdinger, and you don't want the pots to freeze with nice new plants in them.
1 Nov, 2011
Thanks guys, that'll do, me nicely.
1 Nov, 2011
Consensus seems to be Clematis Hank. Probably best to try one of these (there are many to choose from). I personally think it's the easiest option regarding care and that most are a prolific grower.
1 Nov, 2011
And I forgot to say that, if you choose clematis, you will need to loosely wrap the carport vertical posts with clematis mesh or that green coated chicken wire, plus lay some of it where you want it to go elsewhere - that way, the clematis will climb up all on its own by wrapping its petioles round the mesh. Both Passiflora and Akebia, though, are twiners, which means you'd be best off using something like trellis or wires with space between it and the carport supports so the plant can twine its stems around.
2 Nov, 2011
Got that, thanks again Over and out ( for now !) H.
3 Nov, 2011
Need a little clarification, both from and for you! First, will the pot be inside the carport and not exposed to rain? Second, I believe Chesire gets pretty cold in winter, correct me if I'm wrong, and third, unfortunately, any climber planted in a pot will never grow to its full potential because of the root restriction, so is unlikely to climb up the house wall and along the 4 horizontal roof supports. You can achieve better cover by using pots which are not less than 18 inches deep and 16 inches wide as a minimum, and by placing pots either side of the house wall, or at each vertical support for the carport. Over to you...
30 Oct, 2011