By Janeblows
United Kingdom
I have a rosemary plant in a pot and its leaves are turning yellow. What am I doing wrong?
30 Oct, 2011
Hi Jane... or is it possible you have over-watered the Rosemary ?
30 Oct, 2011
Hmmm, not sure about that Mg
I wondered about overdoing it too, i've experienced their leaves going crispy and brown when not watered enough.
30 Oct, 2011
Yup thinking about it more likely over rather than under watered,especially given where they grow in the Med.
30 Oct, 2011
How long have you had the plant? Have you ever repotted it?
31 Oct, 2011
Rosemary are supposed to be able to survive dry conditions, so overwatering would do so much more damage than underwatering.
31 Oct, 2011
I find they go a bit yellow when they need repotting - it might just be starving.
1 Nov, 2011
I feed my rosemary with Baby Bio for herbs. It says use 5-10 drops per 1/2 litre of water or half capful per litre of water, every two weeks.
This may help. Use it when the plant is actively growing in Spring & Summer.
I have noticed that mine has slowed right down, so I think that it may be a bit late to feed.
Others may have more advice to do with feeding.
2 Nov, 2011
I wouldn't recommend feeding at this time of year but in spring and summer you could I suppose. Rosemary though grows naturally in very poor soil.
2 Nov, 2011
I have a Rosemary growing in a sunny, dry, area of rather poor soil ... The plant is healthy, and right now is producing lots of flowers very happily ...
2 Nov, 2011
If you saw the huge bushes grown in really impoverished soil around the Med. you'd know you're doing exactly the right thing!
2 Nov, 2011
Hi Jane and welcome to GoY as it is in a pot are you keeping it well enough watered? Could it be root bound - i.e. to big for the pot it is in?
30 Oct, 2011